Wordle Unlimited: Non-Stop Word Puzzles for Endless Fun

    Have you got a spare minute? And do you like word puzzles? Then use that time to dive into the world of Wordle! WordleTown lets you play unlimited rounds of the popular puzzle game for free.

    Want to get started right away? Just scroll up. The next word is already waiting for you!

    Or maybe you want to learn some tips and tricks first? No problem! Find out more further down the page.

    How to Play Wordle Unlimited: A Step-by-Step Guide

    If you've already played a few rounds and just need a quick refresher on the rules, the following summary is for you.

    If you'd like to take a closer look at the rules, you can find a more detailed step-by-step guide below. But don't worry, it's easy to understand. Luckily, the game is as simple as it is ingenious!

    What you need to know
    • The goal of the game is to guess the hidden word in 6 attempts.
    • Each guess must be a valid 5-letter word. To submit your guess, simply press Enter.
    • If a letter is colored green, it is in the correct position. If it is yellow, it is in the wrong position. If it is gray, it is not part of the hidden word.

    1. Enter the first five-letter word

    As you only have six attempts in total, you should choose carefully. It's best to pick a word with a good mix of vowels and consonants. Once you have made your choice, simply press or click Enter.

    By the way: You can find the best words to start with below.

    Enter the first 5-letter word in WordleEnter the first 5-letter word in Wordle

    2. Take a look at the tile colors

    Once you have entered the word, it is checked against the solution word. During this process, the tiles are colored as follows:

    • Green: The letter is in the correct position of the word you are looking for.
    • Yellow: The letter exists in the solution word, but in a different position.
    • Gray: The letter does not appear in the target word at all.

    In our example, this means that the solution word begins with an O. There is also an E in the solution word. However, the letters T and R are not part of the answer.

    Check the tile colors of the word in WordleCheck the tile colors of the word in Wordle

    3. Keep guessing until all tiles are green

    Use the clues from your guesses. This will bring you closer to solving the Wordle step by step.

    Keep in mind that it is best not to use gray letters for your next attempts. They won't give you any more information about the solution word. Also try to move the yellow letters to another position. Maybe they will turn green as well.

    One important tip

    Some words contain a letter more than once. An example would be the T in Otter. So, if a letter is highlighted in green or yellow, it may appear a second time.

    After a few tries, we came up with "Ocean" as the solution in our example. We've made it! That worked out quite well, didn't it?

    Guess until all tiles are greenGuess until all tiles are green

    When you are done playing, you can either challenge someone else, or you can start a new round by clicking the "Restart game" button.

    On Wordle Town, you can play the fascinating word guessing game without limits. Have fun!

    The 5 Best Wordle Tips and Tricks

    Now that you are familiar with the rules of the online word game, we can move on to some exciting strategies.

    For example, have you ever wondered what the best starter word is? That and other useful tips follow in the next section.

    1. Use the best Wordle starting word

    A good starting word is crucial to guessing the solution quickly. It is advisable to choose a word that contains the most common letters of the language.

    The WordPlay platform has created a list of the best first words using its own tool called "FirstWord". The following 10 words have proven to be the best in the English language:

    • Soare
    • Saine
    • Slate
    • Slane
    • Stare
    • Saice
    • Saner
    • Snare
    • Raile
    • Raise
    Alternative starting words

    Several of the words in the list above may not come to your mind right away. This is because some of them are rarely used. For example, the following words would be easier to remember: Adieu, Audio, Arise, Radio, and Media. They are also good choices because they cover a lot of vowels. And for many words, vowels are essential.

    2. Avoid rare letters

    This tip is pretty self-explanatory. Some letters appear more often in the 5-letter words than others. These include all vowels and letters like S, N or R.

    On the other hand, you will rarely find letters such as Q, X, Z or J. So it is best to focus on words with more common letters.

    3. Look for frequent letter combinations

    Some letters tend to appear together. The most popular combinations are shown below. Perhaps they will help you sort the yellow tiles more easily next time?

    At the beginning of the word:

    • Br: Brain, brake, brand
    • Cr: Crabs, craft, crane
    • Th: Thank, thief, thing
    • Tr: Trace, track, train

    At the end of the word:

    • ck: Black, block, brick
    • ng: Along, bring, young
    • ny: Bunny, irony, sunny

    Vowel combinations:

    • ai: Again, daily, claim
    • ou: About, group, round

    4. Make use of your past guesses

    That sounds pretty obvious, you're probably thinking. However, you should keep this in mind every time you play Wordle. In particular, you should pay attention to the following two things.

    Try to position the yellow tiles differently each time you try. You can also combine this with the last tip and try prominent letter combinations.

    This was done in the following example. The letters C and K were in the wrong place first try. They often appear together at the end of words. So on the next try, they were placed at the end - and it worked!

    Use past guesses when playing WordleUse past guesses when playing Wordle

    The second aspect of this tip is not to use the gray tiles. It is best to try as many different letters as possible in your first attempts. This will allow you to quickly filter out many words.

    5. A Wordle can contain the same letter more than once

    If you get stuck after the first few attempts, you can try using yellow or green tiles twice. For example, if the letter L is colored yellow in one of your guesses, you could enter Grill. That way, you can see if the L might reappear in the solution word.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

    Below are answers to frequently asked questions about Wordle and WordleTown. If your question isn't answered here, please contact us at contact@wordletown.com. We will do our best to help.

    What is the goal of Wordle?

    The goal of the online word puzzle is to guess the 5-letter secret word in as few tries as possible. You have six attempts in total. After each attempt, the game tells you whether the letter is in the solution word or not.

    What are the best Wordle starter words?

    The best starting words are Soare, Saine and Slate. They contain the most common letters of five-letter English words.

    How many rounds can I play?

    The Unlimited mode allows you to play an infinite number of rounds of the free word guessing game on Wordle Town. Thus, you can think of the site as a place to practice the word guessing game.

    What does "Not in word list" mean?

    You will receive this notification if the word you entered does not appear in our word list. In this case, simply try a different word.

    Are my statistics saved?

    Your statistics are stored locally in your browser after each game. You can access them using the statistics icon at the top. If you clear your WordleTown.com browser data, your stats will be deleted as well.

    Can I share my results?

    After a round, you can click the "Share results" button. Now you can either copy the link to the current word or share your result in the form of the well-known square emojis.

    Can I disable the confetti?

    After winning a round of Wordle, confetti is sprayed in celebration. You can turn this off in the settings modal under "Confetti on win" using the settings icon at the top.

    Can I disable the animations?

    The animations during the evaluation of your guess can also be disabled in the settings modal. This can be opened by clicking on the settings icon at the top. You will find an option called "Animations".